Anke Himmelreich

〚Linguist @ Goethe University Frankfurt, Department of Linguistics〛

Latest work

Festschrift Katharina

To the left, to the right, and much in between: A Festschrift for Katharina Hartmann (w J. Mursell & D. Hole) (New!)

Open access online publication Goethe University Frankfurt

Agreement patterns of coordination

Agreement patterns of coordination (w M. Jeckel & J. Mursell) (New!)

Open access online publication Goethe University Frankfurt

German disjunction

Agreement with disjoined subjects in German (w K. Hartmann) (New!)

Published in Glossa Volume 8 (2023)


Feature deletion by head movement – A new solution to agreement asymmetries in MSA (New!)

Published in Glossa Volume 8 (2023)


An extraction restriction with complement-less prepositions in British English but not dialectal German (w R. Stockwell & C. Schütze) (New!)

to appear in Proceedings of the 35th Comparative Germanic Syntax Workshop (2023)

LD-extraction in Mabia

When LD dependencies are short: the case of Mabia languages (w J. Mursell & K. Hartmann)

Presented at GLOW 46 (University of Vienna) (2023)

Locality of focus

Locality in focus marking

Published in Theoretical Linguistics 48 (as commentary) (2022)

Dagbani and Likpakpaanl

Focus particles in Dagbani and Likpakpaanl (w K. Hartmann, J. Mursell)

Presented at CGG 31 (Palma) (2022)

Database coordination

Agreement with Coordinated Subjects in the World's Languages (w Melissa Jeckel, Katharina Hartmann, Johannes Mursell)

Presented at "Agreement in Multivaluation Constructions" (Goethe University) (2021)


Variable affix ordering in Turkish (w Ahmet Bilal Özdemir)

Presented at DGfS 42 (University of Hamburg) (2020)

All papers and presentations

Theses & edited volumes


  • Anke Himmelreich, Daniel Hole, and Johannes Mursell (2024): To the left, to the right, and much in between: A Festschrift for Katharina Hartmann. Goethe University Frankfurt, Frankfurt.


  • Shen, Zheng, Johannes Mursell, Anke Himmelreich, and Katharina Hartmann (2021): Multivaluation in agreement. Special collection in Glossa: a journal of general linguistics, Collection 743.


  • Himmelreich, Anke (2017): Case Matching Effects in Free Relatives and Parasitic Gaps: A Study on the Properties of Agree. PhD thesis, Universität Leipzig, Leipzig.


  • Assmann, Anke, Sebastian Bank, Doreen Georgi, Timo Klein, Philipp Weisser, and Eva Zimmermann (2014): Topics at InfL (Linguistische Arbeitsberichte 92). Universität Leipzig, Leipzig.


  • Heck, Fabian and Anke Assmann (2013): Rule Interaction in Grammar (Linguistische Arbeitsberichte 90). Universität Leipzig, Leipzig.


  • Assmann, Anke (2010): Parasitic Gaps in Derivational Grammar. MA thesis, Universität Leipzig, Leipzig.



  • Himmelreich, Anke, Melissa Jeckel, and Johannes Mursell (2024): 'Agreement patterns of coordination'. In: Anke Himmelreich, Daniel Hole, and Johannes Mursell, eds., To the left, to the right, and much in between: A Festschrift for Katharina Hartmann. Goethe University Frankfurt, Frankfurt.
  • Himmelreich, Anke (2024): 'Scrambling in idioms: A remark to Fanselow (2012)'. In: Artemis Alexiadou, Doreen Georgi, Fabian Heck, Gereon Müller, and Florian Schäfer, eds., Gisbert Fanselow’s Contributions to Syntactic Theory (Linguistische Arbeitsberichte 96). Universität Leipzig, Leipzig.


  • Himmelreich, Anke (2023): 'Feature deletion by head movement – A new solution to agreement asymmetries in Modern Standard Arabic'. Glossa: a journal of general linguistics 8(1), 5731.
  • Himmelreich, Anke and Hartmann, Katharina (2023): 'Agreement with disjoined subjects in German'. Glossa: a journal of general linguistics 8(1), 8504.


  • Himmelreich, Anke (2022): 'Locality in focus marking. (Commentary to Graf, Thomas (2022): Subregular linguistics: Bridging theoretical linguistics and formal grammar)'. Theoretical Linguistics 48(3-4), 233-243.


  • Heck, Fabian and Anke Himmelreich (2019): 'Two observations about reconstruction'. Snippets 37 (Special issue in honor of Uli Sauerland), 46-47.
  • Himmelreich, Anke (2019): 'Feature Deletion by Head Movement - A New Solution to Agreement Asymmetries in Modern Standard Arabic'. In: Murphy, Andrew, ed., Structure Removal (Linguistische Arbeitsberichte 94). Universität Leipzig, Leipzig.


  • Heck, Fabian and Anke Himmelreich (2017): 'Opaque Intervention'. Linguistic Inquiry 48, 47-97.


  • Himmelreich, Anke (2016): 'Variation in Case Matching Effects: Evidence for Two-Step Bidirectional Agree'. In: Christopher Hammerly and Brandon Prickett, eds., NELS 46: Proceedings of the Forty-Sixth Annual Meeting of the North East Linguistic Society (Volume 1). GLSA, Amherst, MA.
  • Himmelreich, Anke (2016): 'Case matching as bidirectional Agree'. In: Katharina Barnickel, Mathías Guzmán~Naranjo, Johannes Hein, Sampson Korsah, Andrew Murphy, Ludger Paschen, Zorica Puškar, and Joanna Zaleska, eds., Replicative Processes in Grammar (Linguistische Arbeitsberichte 93). Universität Leipzig, Leipzig.


  • Assmann, Anke, Doreen Georgi, Fabian Heck, Gereon Müller, and Philipp Weisser (2015): 'Ergatives Move Too Early: On an Instance of Opacity in Syntax'. Syntax 18(4), 343–387.


  • Assmann, Anke, Svetlana Edygarova, Doreen Georgi, Timo Klein, and Philipp Weisser (2014): 'Case stacking below the surface: On the possessor case alternation in Udmurt'. The Linguistic Review 31 (GLOW 2013 Theme Issue)(3-4), 447-485.
  • Heck, Fabian and Anke Assmann (2014): 'Barss' Generalization and the strict cycle at LF'. In: Assmann, Anke, Sebastian Bank, Doreen Georgi, Timo Klein, Philipp Weisser, and Eva Zimmermann, eds., Topics at InfL (Linguistische Arbeitsberichte 92). Universität Leipzig, Leipzig.
  • Anke Assmann (2014): 'Case stacking in Nanosyntax'. In: Assmann, Anke, Sebastian Bank, Doreen Georgi, Timo Klein, Philipp Weisser, and Eva Zimmermann, eds., Topics at InfL (Linguistische Arbeitsberichte 92). Universität Leipzig, Leipzig.


  • Assmann, Anke, Svetlana Edygarova, Doreen Georgi, Timo Klein, and Philipp Weisser (2013): 'Possessor Case in Udmurt: Multiple Case Assignment Feeds Postsyntactic Fusion'. In: Fabian Heck and Anke Assmann, eds., Rule Interaction in Grammar (Linguistische Arbeitsberichte 90). Universität Leipzig, Leipzig.
  • Assmann, Anke (2013): 'Three Stages in the Derivation of Free Relatives'. In: Fabian Heck and Anke Assmann, eds., Rule Interaction in Grammar (Linguistische Arbeitsberichte 90). Universität Leipzig, Leipzig.
  • Assmann, Anke, Doreen Georgi, Fabian Heck, Gereon Müller, and Philipp Weisser (2013): 'Ergatives Move too Early: On an Instance of Opacity in Syntax'. In: Fabian Heck and Anke Assmann, eds., Rule Interaction in Grammar (Linguistische Arbeitsberichte 90). Universität Leipzig, Leipzig.
  • Assmann, Anke and Fabian Heck (2013): 'Opaque Intervention'. In: Fabian Heck and Anke Assmann, eds., Rule Interaction in Grammar (Linguistische Arbeitsberichte 90). Universität Leipzig, Leipzig.


  • Assmann, Anke (2012): 'An interclausal agreement approach to switch-reference in Quechua'. Linguistic Variation 12(2), 103-152.
  • Assmann, Anke (2012): 'Switch-Reference as Interclausal Tense Agreement: Evidence from Quechua'. In: Philipp Weisser, ed., Perspectives on Switch-Reference: Local Modeling and Empirical Distribution (Linguistische Arbeitsberichte 89). Universität Leipzig, Leipzig.
  • Assmann, Anke, Doreen Georgi, and Philipp Weisser (2012): 'A Minimalist Analysis of Possessor Advancement'. In: Enrico Boone, Kathrin Linke, and Maartje Schulpen, eds., Proceedings of ConSOLE XIX (2011, Groningen). Student Organization of Linguistics in Europe, Universiteit Leiden, Leiden.
  • Assmann, Anke (2012): 'Deriving Parasitic Gaps by Fission and Fusion'. In: Enrico Boone, Kathrin Linke, and Maartje Schulpen, eds., Proceedings of ConSOLE XIX (2011, Groningen). Student Organization of Linguistics in Europe, Universiteit Leiden, Leiden.


  • Assmann, Anke (2010): 'Does Chain Hybridization in Irish Support Movement-Based Approaches to Long-Distance Dependencies?'. In: Stefan Müller, ed., Proceedings of the HPSG 10 Conference (2010, Paris). CSLI Publications, Stanford.
  • Assmann, Anke (2010): 'Verbal Agreement and PCC Effects in Tagalog'. In: Sebastian Bank, Doreen Georgi, and Jochen Trommer, eds., 2 in Agreement (Linguistische Arbeitsberichte 88). Universität Leipzig, Leipzig.

Presentations and unpublished manuscripts


  • Mursell, Johannes and Anke Himmelreich (2024): 'Information-structural constraints on linearization in the DP'. Talk at the Workshop ``Constraints on linearization" (AG 8 at DGfS 46).


  • Himmelreich, Anke, Johannes Mursell, and Katharina Hartmann (2023): 'Conditions on object drop in Mabia languages: Diagnosing gaps vs. null objects'. Talk at NoCroDep (Frankfurt edition).
  • Himmelreich, Anke (2023): 'On the modification of idioms as a diagnostic tool for syntactic processes'. Poster at GGS 47: “Gisbert Fanselow’s Contributions to Syntactic Theory”, HU Berlin.
  • Himmelreich, Anke, Johannes Mursell, and Katharina Hartmann (2023): 'When long distance dependencies are actually short: The case of Mabia languages'. Poster at the 32st Colloquium on Generative Grammar, 2023, University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), Vitoria-Gasteiz.
  • Himmelreich, Anke, Johannes Mursell, and Katharina Hartmann (2023): 'When long distance dependencies are actually short: The case of Mabia languages'. Talk at GLOW 46, 2023, University of Vienna.


  • Mursell, Johannes, Anke Himmelreich, and Katharina Hartmann (2022): 'Morphological marking of in-situ focus in Mabia'. Poster at the 31st Colloquium on Generative Grammar, Universitat de les Illes Balears, 2022, in Palma.
  • Mursell, Johannes, Anke Himmelreich, and Katharina Hartmann (2022): 'Focus particles in Dagbani and Likpakpaanl'. Talk at the colloquium of African Linguistics and Literature at the University of Vienna, 2022, in Vienna.


  • Stockwell, Richard, Carson Schütze, and Anke Himmelreich (2021): 'An extraction restriction with complement-less prepositions in British English but not dialectal German'. Talk at CGSW 35, Trento.
  • Himmelreich, Anke, Melissa Jeckel, Katharina Hartmann, and Johannes Mursell (2021): 'Agreement with Coordinated Subjects in the World’s Languages'. Talk at "Agreement in Multivaluation Constructions", Goethe University Frankfurt.
  • Himmelreich, Anke and Katharina Hartmann (2021): 'Agreement with Disjoined Subjects in German'. Talk at "Agreement in Multivaluation Constructions", Goethe University Frankfurt.
  • Himmelreich, Anke and Katharina Hartmann (2021): 'Agreement with Disjoined Subjects in German'. Talk at WCCFL 39, University of Arizona.


  • Himmelreich, Anke and Ahmet Bilal Özdemir (2020): 'Variable affix order on the surface: The case of Turkish'. Talk at the Workshop "Modelling gradient variability in grammar" (AG 15 at DGfS 42, 2020), Hamburg University.


  • Himmelreich, Anke (2019): 'Iterativity in Syntax -- A Tutorial'. Talk at the Workshop "Iterativity in Grammar", Leipzig University.
  • Himmelreich, Anke (2019): 'Scheming Probes -- On Number Agreement in Standard Arabic'. Poster at GLOW 42, University of Oslo.
  • Himmelreich, Anke (2019): 'Scheming Probes -- On Number Agreement in Standard Arabic'. Talk at the Workshop "Dependency in Syntactic Covariance" (DISCO), Leipzig University (invited).


  • Himmelreich, Anke (2015): 'Variation in Case Matching Effects: Evidence for Two-Step Bidirectional Agree'. Talk at NELS 46, Concordia University, Montreal.


  • Assmann, Anke (2014): 'On Variation in and across languages: Case Matching Effects with Free Relatives and Parasitic Gaps in German and Polish'. Talk at the Workshop "What happened to Principles & Parameters?", Villa Salmi, Arezzo.


  • Assmann, Anke, Svetlana Edygarova, Doreen Georgi, Timo Klein, and Philipp Weisser (2013): 'Abstract composite possessor case in Udmurt'. Ms., Universität Leipzig.
  • Assmann, Anke, Svetlana Edygarova, Doreen Georgi, Timo Klein, and Philipp Weisser (2013): 'Abstract composite possessor case in Udmurt'. Ms., Universität Leipzig.
  • Assmann, Anke (2013): 'Case (Mis-)Matching Effects in German Free Relatives'. Talk at the research group colloquium at the University of Frankfurt, Frankfurt, Main.
  • Assmann, Anke and Fabian Heck (2013): 'Opaque Intervention'. Talk at the syntax colloquium at the University of Frankfurt, 2013, in Frankfurt, Main.
  • Assmann, Anke (2013): 'Case (Mis-)Matching Effects in German Free Relatives: A Case Study on Rule Interaction across Grammatical Components'. Poster at WOPiG, Leipzig.
  • Assmann, Anke (2013): 'Eine Analyse der Eigenschaften von parasitären Lücken im Deutschen und Englischen'. Talk at the syntax colloquium at the University of Tübingen, Tübingen.
  • Assmann, Anke, Svetlana Edygarova, Doreen Georgi, Timo Klein, and Philipp Weisser (2013): 'Abstract composite possessor case in Udmurt'. Talk at GLOW 36, Lund.
  • Assmann, Anke (2013): 'A New Approach to Free Relatives'. Talk at ConSOLE XXI, University of Potsdam.
  • Assmann, Anke, Svetlana Edygarova, Doreen Georgi, Timo Klein, and Philipp Weisser (2013): 'Possessor case in Udmurt'. Talk at ConSOLE XXI, University of Potsdam.


  • Assmann, Anke, Doreen Georgi, Timo Klein, and Philipp Weisser (2012): 'Possessor case in Udmurt'. Talk at BCGL 7, Brussels.
  • Assmann, Anke, Doreen Georgi, Fabian Heck, Gereon Müller, and Philipp Weisser (2012): 'Argument Encoding and Its Consequences for Displacement'. Talk at the Workshop "Decomposition and natural classes in argument coding", Leipzig.
  • Assmann, Anke, Doreen Georgi, Fabian Heck, Gereon Müller, and Philipp Weisser (2012): 'Ergatives Move too Early'. Talk at GGS 38, Freiburg.
  • Heck, Fabian and Anke Assmann (2012): 'Barss's Generalization and the Strict Cycle at LF'. Talk at GGS 38, Freiburg.
  • Assmann, Anke, Doreen Georgi, Fabian Heck, Gereon Müller, and Philipp Weisser (2012): 'Ergatives Move too Early'. Talk at GLOW 35, Potsdam.
  • Assmann, Anke and Fabian Heck (2012): 'Opaque Intervention'. Talk at GLOW 35, Potsdam.


  • Assmann, Anke (2011): 'Switch-Reference as Interclausal Agreement: Evidence from Quechua'. Talk at BCGL 6, Brussels.
  • Assmann, Anke and Fabian Heck (2011): 'Rückzug der Basisgenerierer'. Talk at GGS 37, Stuttgart.
  • Assmann, Anke (2011): 'The Island Paradox with Parasitic Gaps'. Talk at GGS 37, Stuttgart / talk at ConSOLE XIX, 2011, in Groningen.
  • Assmann, Anke, Doreen Georgi, and Philipp Weisser (2011): 'A Minimalist Analysis of Noun Incorporation'. Talk at ConSOLE XIX, 2011, in Groningen.


  • Assmann, Anke, Fabian Heck, Johannes Hein, Stefan Keine, and Gereon Müller (2010): 'Does Chain Hybridization in Irish Support Movement-Based Approaches to Long-Distance Dependencies?'. Talk at the HPSG 10 Conference, Paris.
  • Assmann, Anke, Doreen Georgi, and Philipp Weisser (2010): 'Analyzing Switch-Reference'. Talk at the workshop "The Fine Structure of Grammatical Relations", Leipzig.