Anke Himmelreich

〚Linguist @ Bielefeld University, Department of Linguistics〛

About me

Pronounce my name: ['Ɂaŋkə 'hɪml̩ʁa͜ɪç]

I am a theoretical syntactician currently employed at Bielefeld University, Germany. I received my PhD at Leipzig University (Supervisors: Gereon Müller and Fabian Heck) in 2017.

Research interests

  • formal grammar
  • syntax
  • syntax-morphology interface
  • syntactic agreement
  • syntactic movement
  • experimental methods

Bielefeld University, Department of Linguistics

Current position: Stand-in professor at the Department of Linguistics, April – September 2024

In the summer term 2024, I stand in for Prof. Dr. Jutta Hartmann.

Current courses (summer term 24): Introduction to morphology and syntax, Agreement with Coordinations, Syntax reading group, Linguistics Colloquium

(picture by S.O. Acheampong)

DFG-project ''The VP-periphery in Mabia languages''

Current position: Postdoc (50%), since October 2021 (currently on leave)

The overarching goal of the project is to investigate the VP-periphery of the Mabia languages, especially the syntax and semantics of the particles in this domain in interaction with other aspects of the verbal morphology. The project has three main research areas: the function and interpretation of the VP-peripheral particles, the syntax of the VP-periphery, in-situ focus.

Principal Investigator: Prof. Dr. Katharina Hartmann


Goethe University Frankfurt, Institute for Linguistics

Current position: Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin (50%), since October 2021 (currently on leave)

I am employed at the chair for Syntax held by Prof. Dr. Katharina Hartmann.