Anke Himmelreich

〚Linguist @ Bielefeld University, Department of Linguistics〛



A comprehensive guide for beginners and a reference book for all linguists. The script provides explanations as well as code examples, which have all been tried out. The script is created for linguists that would like to use LaTeX, but it also provides the baseline for other sciences and humanities. I update the script occasionally if I have time.


Actions against Climate Change

In 2019, I was active in the protest movement against the systemic climate change ignorance and denial. As an active member of the Scientists for Future Leipzig, I was involved in many different protest and awareness campaigns.


(Linguistic) Poetry

A selection of some of my poetry.


Vegan recipes

Here are some of my favorite vegan recipes: simple, fast, and found to be delicious also by non-vegans. (I add a recipe 'bout every five years or so.)